Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blah-ggity Blah-g Blah...

Well, hello. I guess this first entry will be a sort of introduction. Here goes. I've tried this blogging thing before, and just like a journal, I get distracted and it gets abandoned not too long after the fact - but I've got my fingers crossed this time. For me, already over-scheduled and much too busy, to decide at this moment to start a blog is probably not the smartest decision, but it goes along with starting a "schedule", (something I have never been that great with) and so it may actually succeed! And it may force me to keep to my schedule.

Quick facts:

I am very spontaneous.
I am very creative (read: scattered & random).
I have too many ideas.
I have far too much going on.

Naturally: start a blog!

Okay, there is an ulterior motive to all of this. I've been asked a few times to write the story of my life so far - some people think it might be inspiring, some people think it's just kind of interesting, some people think it's been entirely unfair. I think it's kind of interesting, and it might actually make people feel better about themselves to read about all the crazy things that have happened to me. It's a cautionary tale, a learning experience and maybe a little bit inspirational? I hear, "You should write a book about your life!" pretty often, but I'm not sure anyone would buy a book about some chick they don't know. I hear, "You should write a screenplay!" also, and I have the same answer. A blog? That might be more realistic. We'll see if it gets any hits, and go from there before I take their advice and attempt a book - a memoir? Really? At 36. Yikes.

So, the purpose of this blog:

1. To tell my story so I maybe don't have to re-tell it over and over and direct people instead to this blog.
2. I have a lot of students who are interested in how I got started & get a lot of emails asking for advice. Hopefully, this is a good place to give that advice and help folks out. :)
3. To maybe, possibly, post recipes? Thoughts? Experiences? Anything?
4. This is probably going to be a very random blog.
5. I do some interesting things for a living and I'm the mother of a really cool little gal, so sometimes I have interesting things to say about that.
6. I have a wacky sense of humour.
7. I LOVE (LIVE FOR) music. So there might be some of that here too.
8. Crafting & Cooking.
9. I'm starting to sound really boring. :)

I wrote a few interesting blog entries a long time ago on my Myspace page that I might include here too, since people really seemed to respond to them. Probably better than this entry anyway. Ha.

Okay. I think that about does it for an introduction. Not much point in describing myself any further, as I'm about to start chronicling my life up to date. Oh, and the names of those involved will be changed/omitted/whatever to protect the innocent - or the internet-cautious!

Are you still reading this? Maybe you'll read the next part too then!

I'll start with a brief overview of my career thus far, and then I'll get into the juicy stuff.

MySpace Tracker

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